Friday, July 31, 2009

Pumpkin's next chapter begins!!

Breaking news just in from the land of the All Blacks, sheep and fush n' chups, little Pumpkin's dad has been jailed for life! Yippeee!! Another one to throw away the key on!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sleep - the precious resource!

According to Wikipedia, "Sleep deprivation, having too little sleep, can be either chronic or acute. Long-term sleep deprivation causes death in lab animals. A chronic sleep-restricted state can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight gain."

Let me take a step back - long-term causes death in lab animals! Thankfully I'm not a lab animal otherwise I would have been dead a long time ago!!

I better hurry Madeline along then in case it also works on humans!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Throw away the key!

Last week I wrote about a couple in the US who tried to sell a five year old girl to child pornographers, which horrified me. Sadly, I have since read plenty more terrible crime stories against children, with a toddler and child found dumped yesterday in a garbage bin in the US; a mother who mutilated and cannibalised her three week old son in the US and a mother in Australia who encouraged her 13 year old disabled daughter to engage in indecent acts, photographing her naked and sexually penetrating her with a sex toy.

As a mother, it makes me sick to think that people can actually carry out these crimes on such innocent and unknowing children. Actually, whether a mother or not I would still be just as horrified. These gorgeous beings have done nothing wrong other than simply been born. Let these parents rot in jail and throw away the key!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bikini bandit

Yesterday I brought you the Undie Bandit, today I bring you the Bikini Bandit!

A woman in the US was involved in carjacking, with no weapons in sight and all while wearing a bikini. Amazingly the victim gave up the car without a fight - hmmmmm. I wonder what the threat was to give up her car so easily - "Give up your car or I'll flash my boobies!"

What is this world coming to - guns and knives must be hard to come by these days!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Undie bandit!

Classic - two thieves broke into a chemist in QLD last night, one of them wearing undies on their head, rather than a balaclava!! Nothing like a resourceful thief!!

Hope they were clean!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dancing down the aisle

In case you haven't already seen this video splashed all over the news this morning, I have to share it with you as it is a classic!

Imagine being the celebrant having to talk seriously after this.............

Thanks Jill and Kev for the laugh!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy birthday Pauly!

This is just a quick dip in today to wish my favourite man a huge happy birthday. We couldn't have picked an nicer day for it - bring on the sunshine!!

As Jackson would say, "Beep beep yay! (Translation: Hip Hip Hooray!)

Friday, July 24, 2009

The losing battle

I'm losing the battle ................ losing the lovely hour or two of peace every day when the kids sleep. Bed is no longer something that Master 2 is looking forward to during the day anymore. Boohoo says mummy!

But I have discovered an alternative. Since Master 2 wouldn't sleep the other day I thought we may as well make the most of the day. As soon as we started driving, sure enough he was sound asleep. So now around 1-2ish every day we go for a daily drive around the area and as soon as he nods off, I return home and resume whatever it is that I do.

How long will this last for I wonder!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Logical conversation with Master 2

I love having conversations with two year olds - pure logic!!

Me: Are you tired?
Master 2: Yes

Me: Are you really tired?
Master 2: Yes

Me: Do you want to go to bed?
Master 2: NO mummy!

Oh the joys! Mummy could do with some sleep though! ;0)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lock them away for good I say!

I would love to know what makes people do the insane things that they do. I just read an article on ninemsn about a guy in the US who tried to sell his girlfriend's 5 year old daughter to child pornographers in exchange for an apartment and a used car. Who does that???????

Thankfully the judge saw sense and has locked him up for 30 years with an additional 10 years of supervised release after his prison term. If I had my way, he would never be let out ....... or thrown into a mental institution for the rest of his life.

The girl's mother is also serving a 20 year prison sentence after pleading guilty to one count of selling a child.

If frustrates me so much when there are so many people out there that desperately want children and can't have them. Then there are people like this couple in the world who should never have been given this fantastic gift of life.

What gives me some light relief when thinking about this is that hopefully the little girl will now be in much better care with lots of love poured on her. Added to this is the hope that this couple will have a pretty rough time in jail as people like that are targeted by other inmates for the terrible crime they committed against such innocent little beings.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blogging addiction!

I am very slow on the uptake, but I am now officially addicted to blogging. Maybe it is because I have finally found somewhere to dump my brain and ramble about whatever I like. But it is great!

This blog is a personal blog to ramble about my life and thoughts, but I created a new blog last week with an actual purpose - to show off the wonderful Southern Highlands to Sydneysiders. Makes me think there might be a calling for me in tourism..........who knows!! Visit: Sydneysiders Guide to the Southern Highlands.

Monday, July 20, 2009

No more attention to give!

I have come to the decision that I cannot possibly care for one more living thing in this household at the moment with far too many furry and non-furry things wanting my attention. Between a husband, two kids, two dogs and a cat....and then there's myself, it's a pretty full house! But I wouldn't have it any other way either!

Here's the furry variety................

The ever loving and never obedient Marley & Mia

The tubby tabby - Hugo

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tree change

Since we moved out of Sydney to the Southern Highlands in January this year, tempting first home buying offers have driven many more of our friends out of Sydney to where house prices are far more affordable and you can get so much more, allowing them to live the old fashioned Australian dream!

Central Coast, Southern Highlands, Wollongong and QLD seem to be calling people at the moment.

Many more have said to me that they would love to live out of Sydney - I say do it! Apart from the long commute Paul has to make working in the heart of Sydney, we love it. The air, the people and lifestyle are massive draw cards! You only live once - you may as well enjoy it!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Obligation vs favour!

I must stipulate that before all of you fathers cry poor, the following comment is not relevant to all cases ....... but upon chatting with a few friends tends to be a common occurrence!

One thing that perplexes me is the role that fathers think they play vs the role that is part and parcel of fatherhood.

Why is it when fathers look after their kids for an hour or two to let the mother go off and have some downtime, it is a favour to the mother rather than part of their obligation as a father. Like they signed up for babysitting duties instead .......... OK where credit is due, without the $10 per hour!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Brotherly love

There is nothing that warms my heart more than watching the fascination that Jackson has for Madeline, who is 3.5 months old. As much as I would love for this to last forever, I realise that this won't always be the case......but I am certainly enjoying watching it for now!

Here are some special moments of my two munchkins captured!

From the very beginning in hospital......

To the first moments at home.....

The loves continues........

The new play thing!

And the one that melts me the most.....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New blog launched!

Welcome to the launch of my new blog - Sydneysiders Guide to the Southern Highlands.

I moved to the beautiful Southern Highlands from Sydney in January 2009. Since we moved we have a lot of guests from Sydney coming to visit us, as well as people who come down to see the region. I am asked frequently where people should visit, where they should stay, good places to eat and so on.

So this is a guide to help them enjoy some of the fine features the Southern Highlands has to offer! Of course everything published is based on my personal opinion and others may not agree, but this is an opportunity for me to share and boast about what there is on offer here!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sugar High

I've been trying to be a reasonably good parent and not lace Jackson's diet with too much sugar....until now - I am starting to see the amusement value of a sugared up two year old! Sound needed for this one..........

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

G&T Sunsets

Since visiting Botswana in 2005, I have constantly marveled at its spectacular sunsets! But I have to admit, since moving to the Southern Highlands I have seen some pretty amazing sunsets and all from the comfort of my back deck. Goes well with a good G&T really!

Monday, July 13, 2009

No wonder life is confusing for a kid!

We spend the first 12 months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk, and the next 24 years telling them to sit down and shut up!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Time to teach Madeline rollerblading now!

I've just seen the best ad for Evian and had to share! Best get started on Madeline's roller blading skills now!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Riding the rollercoaster

Today I am reflecting on a what was a very mixed emotional rollercoaster day yesterday.

From what started out as a normal Friday of play dates, tantrums and caffeine, turned into a day of elation and shock.

I became an auntie for the third time to little Oliver Andrew Keen - a gorgeous little baby boy for Paul's brother Martin and his wife Donna. The little man must have been in a rush and decided to come a few days early. Another little Keen boy! Congrats guys!

A little after I found out about the baby, I also found out my dad had been rushed to hospital after having a heart attack. He is doing much better thankfully, but he is still in a critical phase in intensive care. He has to go and have an angiogram, which will determine the next course of action. It has certainly given us a great scare. No doubt it has shaken dad up a lot – time for him to slow down and take better care of himself!

Any positive thoughts are appreciated for a speedy recovery!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Death by chocolate

I know commenting on someone's misfortunate passing isn't really the politically correct thing to do, but this one certainly caught my eye yesterday.......or should I say taste buds. Death by chocolate - what a way to go! If only it was Lindt!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Daily Grind finally has posts!!

Wow I hear you saying - after endless promises I am actually writing blog posts...........and lots of them! Since the blog has the word daily in the name, I am going to attempt to do a daily ramble.

The question is - how long will it last. Taking bets!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You know you no longer live in Sydney when.......

1) You can actually see stars in the sky.......thousands and thousands of them!
2) The Woolworths checkout guy offers to help you to your car with the shopping (OK I was 8 months pregnant, but still!!)....and there were at least three people waiting in queue behind me!
3) You go to buy a ticket in the biggest lottery in Australian history ($106 million) and there is no queue at all!
4) The only way to get seafood is to buy it off the back of a truck......literally!! Fresh from the coast!
5) You get stressed if you can't get a parking spot right outside your destination.
6) You have to have a five minute conversation with anyone and everyone.
7) You meet someone at the park, who just happens to know the person you met a month ago at the play centre, who knows another person you met at the park about three months ago.....and so on!
8) Dogs have two heads...OK maybe not, but you never know around here!!
9) You can park your car at the station all night without being stolen, keyed or broken into.
10) You can take your car to get something fixed and it only takes an hour, rather than a whole freakin day!
11) They will also drop you off at the shopping centre while you wait and then pick you up!! Now that's service!!
12) NRMA comes in five minutes!
13) The most amazing array of birds hangout in your backyard and no magpies or mynor birds in sight!!
14) You can still buy golliwogs!!

I could go on......but my brain has gone to sleep and I think you've probably read enough by now!

There are some things that never change though........

1) Old people still give you the death stare when your toddler chucks a tantrum in the shopping centre!
2) Maccas is always packed
3) Blokes that drive SS Holden Utes are still idiots!
4) Coffee is just as great!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

From drunken debauchery to pooey nappies!

Amidst a recent Facebook jaunt of posting ever so cute pics of the wee bairn for the world to coo over, a friend pinged me on FB chat giggling over the complete difference in our lives at this current point in time. While I was busy posting cutesy photos of my precious beings, she was similtaneously posting pics of drunken, debaucherous nights out! It got me thinking that three years ago that would have been me. Oh how life changes once you have kiddly winks!

Drunken, debaucherous nights = bad hangover, which doesn't match screaming children, pooey nappies and 6am wake up calls............................sigh! I must be growing up if that is possible!

From this...............

and this.......................

(ok this was only last year......but go with my flow anyway!) this!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What an action packed start to 2009

I'm struggling to come to terms with the fact that it is already July ...... yikes!

Normally upon reflection I'd be saying "gee that's gone quick and I have no idea what I've done or achieved!" But no not this time!!

What an action packed year it has been so far with buying our first house, the big move out of Sydney to the Southern Highlands, making new friends, Jackson starting to walk, welcoming my beautiful baby girl Madeline into the world, chasing around my two year old toddler, Paul's brother's wedding in North Carolina (unfortunately I couldn't make it in the end), cranking up business again and generally trooping through the days.

What can the next half throw at me I wonder?

First home for the Keens............

The beautiful Southern Highlands

Madeline Lucy Keen - born 28 March